

Best Invisalign® Treatment Provider in Las Vegas, NV

Fixed brackets and wires are gone. Instead, this clever “brace” uses a series of removable clear aligners to gradually and gently move your teeth into the desired position. Better still, the aligners are completely transparent, so they’re really inconspicuous – even up close!


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How Does Invisalign® Work?

Your Invisalign treatment starts with a complimentary consultation with our dentist in Las Vegas, NV. Dr. Chawla will first discuss your goals and examine your teeth to ensure you are a good candidate for the Invisalign system. Then we will write a detailed treatment plan and order a full set of customized aligners for you.

Invisalign aligners are made just for you with advanced 3-D computerized technology. The aligners come in a series pairs, and each pair of should be worn for about a two-week period. This allows your teeth to gradually evolve into a smile that you’ve always wanted! Treatment length varies, depending on your dental condition and the severity of your case. The aligners are virtually clear, so most people around you probably won’t even notice you’re wearing it!

They should be worn all day and night, but are easily removable, so you can remove them to eat, drink, and take photos. Once your treatment is complete, you will likely wear a (clear) retainer to ensure your new smile stays in place.

Invisalign® Before and After



The Following Problems:

  • Crossbite: When one or more teeth from the upper jaw, bite on the interior of the lower set of teeth, it is known as crossbite. This happens when both upper and lower jaws are misaligned. It can cause degradation of teeth, loss of bone and gum disease.
  • Gapped teeth: Gap in between teeth can occur due to abnormal growth of jawbone or when due to lack of tooth, teeth from the neighbouring areas tend to shift from their respective positions into the extra space. Gapped teeth can give rise to gum problems and periodontal disease.
  • Crowded teeth: Crowding of teeth occurs when there is not enough room in the upper and lower jaws to fit all growing teeth. As a result, the teeth get crowded and when left untreated become severely crooked. It is quite difficult to clean such misaligned teeth, for which problems of plaque, gum disease and tooth decay are common in the case of crowded teeth.
  • Underbite: Due to insufficient growth of upper jaw or missing number of upper teeth, lower jaw may protrude and give rise to improper bite. This hinders the normal functioning of front teeth and causes pain in the jaw.
  • Overbite: This happens when the upper jaw abnormally covers the lower jaw. An overbite can give rise to gum problems, wearing of teeth on the lower jaw and joint problems.
  • Open bite: As the name suggests, an open bite takes place when some teeth on the upper and lower jaws are unable to meet each other physically. Apart from genetic reasons, poor chewing habits and excessive sucking on thumbs are other reasons for an open bite.


The Following Problems:

The smile you have always wanted is right here! Just click below to start your smile journey today!




Why Should You Choose Invisalign®?

  • Transparent and Removable The retainers are less noticeable when you speak, as transparent aligners won’t let anyone know that you are undergoing any kind of dental treatment. Another amazing benefit of wearing aligners is that you remove them when required. However, it is advised to wear the aligner for 20-22 hours for the anticipated results.
  • Better for Maintaining Oral Hygiene With removable aligners there will no food debris stuck onto the metallic wires and makes things less complicated for you to manage. As you can easily remove aligners from your teeth, you can eat, brush and floss comfortably and stay away from the hassles of bacteria, cavities, gum diseases, tooth decay and loss.
  • Confidence to Smile and Stay Away From Cardiovascular Disease With no one to point out your visible metal braces, you feel absolutely no hesitation to smile and enjoy in your surroundings. This positivity is further fortified by the fact that your cardiovascular health improves with elevated times of smiling.
  • A Happy Smile Means Less Anxiety Do you know research insist that even a forced smile promotes happiness? Research shows that when they ask participants to smile forcibly, the same pleasure centres were triggered in brain like that of individuals who smiled naturally. You will be able to smile without giving two thoughts on whether or not people can see your braces.

Advantages of Invisalign®?

  • No metallic wires around your teeth, clear aligners of Invisalign treatment are highly suitable to be used in everyday life.
  • Aligner being detachable in nature is a convenient dental solution, as it can be removed while eating, drinking, brushing and flossing.
  • It reduces chances of dental problems by allowing its users to carry on with dental hygiene habits normally.
  • Custom made for your dentition; aligners are ideal way to cure your misaligned teeth without any irritation.
  • It boosts your confidence and allows you to carry your daily activities with ease, as they are virtually invisible and cannot be traced out by other people easily.


Affordable For Everyone!

We never want anyone to have to choose between their budget and a healthy smile, so Bella Smiles team will work with you to create a payment plan that is affordable. Your smile is yours forever! We want to make it as easy as possible for you to receive the best orthodontic care whenever you need it.